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Spoke in Solo And Small Firm Class
Once again I had a chance to speak to students at the University of Washington School of Law regarding solo and small firm practice. Topics included career paths, business plans, and how to maintain the health of law firms over time. One of the things that impressed me the most during this presentation was the…
Read MoreSpoke at U.W. Law School Small And Solo Practice Class
I recently presented to students in the University of Washington School of Law Small And Solo Practice Class again regarding developing business plans and marketing, among other topics. It was encouraging to hear the plans of future lawyers.
Read MoreSpoke at U.W. Law School Small And Solo Firm Practice Class
I spoke once again at the University of Washington School of Law (my alma mater) regarding small and solo firm practice. The focus of the presentation was on development of a business plan and networking as an attorney.
Read MoreSpoke At U.W. Law School
I was recently afforded the opportunity to again speak at U.W. Law School Small and Solo Firm Practice Class. I am consistently amazed by the quality of new law students, as well as the strength and insight of their questions. Law students tend to be very process oriented. Being long-winded (which I can definitely laugh…
Read MoreSpoke At Small Or Solo Law Practice Class
Today I was afforded the opportunity once again to speak in the Small Or Solo Law Practice Class at the University of Washington School of Law. The best part of my presentation was the break out sessions, where I got to see law students analyze potential ethical issues. The student responses were on target, complex,…
Read MoreForeign buying of American real estate plunged before the coronavirus pandemic and experts say it’s only going to get worse
from Marketwatch By Jacob Passy International buyers purchased the smallest number of existing-homes in the U.S. since 2011 this past year Foreign buyers are purchasing fewer and fewer American homes. And the coronavirus pandemic could cause a serious pullback in new investment in U.S. residential real estate from international buyers. During the 12-month period ending…
Read MoreSpeaking In Small And Solo Firm Practice Class
I spoke in the Small And Solo Firm Practice Class at the University of Washington School of Law recently. The discussion was largely about my career path. I hope that more mentorship opportunities within the legal profession arise for younger attorneys.
Read MoreSeattle Now Most Expensive Renter City, Outside California, Census Data Shows
July 30, 2019 at 6:00 am By Gene Balk Seattle Times Columnist Seattle rents are on the rise again, after a brief respite. And that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, because that’s what rents do around here they go up, and they go up fast. At the start of the decade, Seattle ranked…
Read MoreSpeaking At YGB Conference
Speaking At YGB Conference U.W. Law School I was a panelist at the YGB Conference at U.W. Law School on Saturday, February 23rd. I was afforded the opportunity to speak with a group of high school students regarding my educational journey and career path and to have lunch with them. Their curiosity and intelligence made…
Read MoreSpeaking In Small and Solo Practice Class
Once again I was afforded the opportunity to speak in the Small and Solo Practice Class at the University of Washington School of Law, my alma mater. Interactivity and questions are on the upswing and this is welcome, because it means that students are increasingly engaged. The dynamic nature of the legal profession and the…
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