Councilmembers Rob Johnson, Lisa Herbold, Mike O’Brien and Kshama Sawant unveiled legislation today that would revamp the City’s current practice of encampment sweeps, allowing for clear outs after the City fulfils certain conditions. The legislation was developed with the goal of protecting public safety and connecting the unhoused with permanent housing options. Councilmembers intend for this legislation to go through the legislative process in parallel to, and informed by, the work of the Mayor’s Unsanctioned Encampments Cleanup Protocols Task Force to ensure implementation before the winter months.
The legislation unveiled today has been amended to address concerns that have been aired in recent days, clarifying the City’s role in managing and clearing encampments. The new legislation would allow for encampment clear outs, with the following conditions:
Outdoor living spaces in locations deemed unsuitable or unsafe are to be cleared with 48 hours notice, and the City must offer an alternative location for people to relocate;
Camping on sidewalks, rights of way, school grounds, private property, highway overpasses, among other unsuitable locations, would not be allowed;
For outdoor living areas that are not deemed unsafe, unsuitable, or hazardous, residents will be cleared out only after being offered an adequate and accessible housing option with at least 30 days advance written notice;
Outdoor living spaces that have garbage accumulation and/or presence of unsanitary elements would be qualified as hazardous. Before clearing out the space, the City must first attempt to remedy the hazardous situation (for example, garbage containers, sharps containers, portable restrooms);
Removed personal property must be catalogued and kept for a minimum of 90 days at storage locations accessible by public transit which operate beyond normal business hours;
A 10 member advisory committee be created to provide recommendations on the City’s ongoing removal and impoundment actions;
Further amendments will be considered through the Council’s legislative process.
Current City protocol provides homeless residents 72 hours notice before each sweep occurs and access to outreach workers to connect to shelter and services. In practice, the notice has sometimes been as little as 24 hours, and an outreach worker often does not have available shelters or services to offer to individuals that meet their needs. Personal belongings are either disposed of or sent to a facility in an industrial area for pickup.
A Seattle Times story recently illustrated problems with the City’s current outdoor living space cleanup protocol, including improperly destroyed personal belongings, inconsistency in cleanup notice and scheduling, unsuitable access to confiscated belongings, and exacerbating trauma onto marginalized populations.
According to the Human Services Department, the City has conducted 441 cleanups, or sweeps of outdoor living spaces since the declaration of the State of Emergency on Homelessness last November. During those cleanups only 126 people were connected with shelter or housing while outreach workers actually engaged 1,852 individuals. The ineffectiveness of the current protocols is also depicted in the fact that many outdoor living space cleanups are done multiple times Because of repeat processes, the City constrains its resources and the proposed legislation will help stabilize those situations to ensure neighborhood safety and health.
Councilmember Lisa Herbold (District 1, West Seattle & South Park) said, “People are sleeping outside because they have no place to go, and that’s the reality. This legislation is meant to set the parameters for what is safe and what isn’t, and it’s largely intended to inspire the City to get serious about providing stable housing opportunities for people living on the streets.
Councilmember Rob Johnson (District 4, Northeast Seattle) said, “Reforms to the current approach are necessary to ensure we are treating our unsheltered neighbors with decency and respect. While recent steps have been made toward increasing the affordable housing stock in Seattle (such as passing the Mandatory Housing Affordability Residential framework last month), we must work in the meantime to enact better, more compassionate short term solutions. I look forward to working collaboratively with the Mayor’s taskforce, advocates, and members from the business community to make sure that we come up with an effective plan to this complex issue.
If our larger goal is to transition unsheltered people and families into permanent housing, then continually displacing them, destabilizing their lives, and compromising relationships and connections to services is not producing the results we need, said Councilmember Mike O’Brien (District 6, Northwest Seattle). Many community members have approached me with concerns about increased garbage, human waste, and needles in their neighborhoods, which is why this legislation will require that the City provide sharps containers, public restrooms, and garbage pickup for those sites where we find unsanitary conditions. We all deserve clean and safe neighborhoods.
Councilmember Kshama Sawant (District 3, Central Seattle) said, Spending millions of dollars moving homeless people from one street corner to another is inhumane and ineffective. Instead, this money should be directed towards basic services and shelter. Also, the $160 million slated for a new North Police Precinct should be used to build a 1,000 units of city-owned affordable rental housing. The Council needs to address the root causes of the homelessness crisis and the lack of affordable housing.
The legislation was developed in collaboration with advocacy organizations and homeless service providers who have the on-the-ground work experience in case management for the unsheltered, including the Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness ACLU of Washington, Columbia Legal Services, Public Defender Association, Seattle Community Law Association, Real Change, and people experiencing homelessness.
Councilmembers are requesting that the legislation be initially considered in the Council’s Human Services & Public Health Committee on September 14 at 2 p.m.
Today’s vote is a significant step towards increasing fair access to rental housing, said Councilmember Lisa Herbold. According to Seattle’s Renting Crisis Report from the Washington Community Action Network, 48% of individuals who pay for rent with Social Security Disability Insurance or Social Security retirement income said that discrimination prevents them from having successful rental applications.
Councilmember Kshama Sawant said, The movement of tenants in Seattle continues to win victories toward a full-fledged Tenants Bill of Rights. Thank you to Councilmember Herbold and tenant activists for this important protection against housing discrimination.
Councilmember Mike O’Brien applauded the bill. We are living through a housing affordability crisis. It’s essential to protect low-income renters from being displaced. Today’s legislation is directly based on what we heard from communities most impacted by discriminatory landlord practices.
Sponsored by Councilmember Herbold, the Source of Income Discrimination legislation was unanimously voted out of the Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development and Arts Committee. Currently it is illegal to discriminate against a prospective renter whose primary source of income is a Section 8 voucher. This bill expands the legally protected classes to include alternate sources of income such as a pension, Social Security, unemployment, child support or any other governmental or non-profit subsidy.
The Committee discussed the bill on May 24 and June 14. In light of these discussions, the legislation was amended to add further protections:
- First-Come, First-Served Screening Practice
Prevents housing providers from giving applicants with alternative sources of income a lower priority. It requires landlords to review applications one at a time, on a first-come, first-served basis.
- New Eviction Protections
Ensures that tenants can fully utilize community resources to prevent eviction. Landlords will be required to accept pledges from community-based organizations to remedy nonpayment of rent if funds are received within 5 days of an eviction notice.
- Preferred Employer Programs Banned
Encourages landlords to offer non-discriminatory move-in incentives. In 2015, both media and community members reported discounts on deposits and other move-in fees for rental applicants working for preferred employers. The Seattle Office of Civil Rights recently concluded that some preferred employer programs that provide discounts or other terms and conditions in rental housing to certain groups over others may constitute discrimination under Seattle’s Open Housing Ordinance (SMC 14.08).
I am very proud of having graduated from the King County Dispute Resolution Center’s Mediation Practicum, and I look forward to continuing to mediate community mediations at the Dispute Resolution Center. The Practicum has been a rigorous, but rewarding two-year experience. I also want to thank all of my instructors in the Practicum for their wisdom, kindness, and patience.
Once again I spoke to the Solo and Small Firm Practice Class at the University of Washington School of Law. The students are very inquisitive. The subjects of my speaking were broadly-career paths, business plans, and marketing. The students presented business plans at the beginning of class which were as detailed and professional as any business plans I have ever seen. I am strongly encouraged that the next generation of lawyers will be even more talented than their predecessors, and hope that they use this talent to improve the world, both inside and outside of the legal system.
Brooklyn man builds igloo in backyard and lists it on Airbnb; website takes it down
BY Molly Crane-newman, Nancy Dillon
Updated: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 8:26 AM
He built a romantic boutique igloo in his Brooklyn backyard – then got the cold shoulder from Airbnb when he listed it for $200 per night.
Patrick Horton used the vast quantities of powder from the weekend’s historic storm to build the artisanal accommodations outside his actual residence on India St. in Greenpoint.
We figured someone might want to take their Tinder date there and would be willing to pay for it. How many girls could say that they were taken on a date in an urban igloo? Not many, Horton, 28, told the Daily News.
Patrick H. Horton
Patrick Horton built this igloo outside his residence on India St. in Greenpoint.
Sadly for the aspiring proprietor, iced his listing in a matter of hours Sunday, leading him to consider other options, he said.
“I think we’ll try to put it on Craigslist. We might even offer a Tinder special. Maybe throw in some Usher (background music) and a bottle of wine, he joked Monday.
The heart-melting hideaway includes two candles for ambience, puffy pillows, animal print blankets over a tarp and even some landscaping in the form of a small tree placed near the entrance, he told The News.
Dripping with ingenuity and alt-lifestyle aura lays this Snowpocalypse’s most desirable getaway, Horton wrote for the quickly yanked Airbnb ad.
“Built completely by hand all natural, he said. Come experience this chic dome-style bungalow with Bae.”
Horton even offered to throw in some shampoo.
Patrick H. Horton
“Come experience this chic dome-style bungalow with Bae,†Horton wrote on before the website yanked his listing.
“We are happy to see that you guys are staying busy and having fun during Blizpocalypse. Unfortunately, your igloo, while very well constructed, has failed to meet our occupancy standards and has been removed from search results, a rejection letter from Airbnb said.
“As an appreciator of fine igloos around the world, I did want to offer you a coupon that you can use to book your first reservation as a guest, the letter said. “Be sure to pick a place with running water, electricity, and a roof that doesn’t melt.
Horton was disappointed, especially considering other igloos do rent rooms on the website, he said.
It’s way stronger than we thought, he argued to The News. We had four or five people in there last night. Even if you bump up against the wall, nothing falls on you. The walls are two feet thick.
An advertising art director originally from Seattle, Horton said he and his two roommates cooked up the idea for the igloo at least two months ago, watched how-to videos online and waited for enough snow to fall.
“Unfortunately, your igloo, while very well constructed, has failed to meet our occupancy standards and has been removed from search results,” a rejection letter sent by Airbnb says.
“We had obviously never done it before, but we had fun with it, drank a couple beers,he said.
They spent about four hours building a hard-packed pile about eight feet high on Saturday and then let it harden overnight, he said.
After another four hours spent digging out the interior Sunday and adding the finishing touches, they listed the cozy cave online.
Patrick H. Horton
The igloo was still standing Monday, he told The News, and he considered listing it on
“It was a joke, but we’re straddling the line between being satirical and serious,he said Monday. “If someone wanted to pay $200, I would have done it. But I probably would have made fun of them.
Horton claimed five people showed interest during the igloo’s brief window on Airbnb, but he lost the ability to contact them when the listing was deactivated.
“It was all disappeared,he said with a laugh.
He admitted he doesn’t have igloo insurance.
Even if it did fall, it wouldn’t kill you, he said, mulling the idea of sleeping inside the structure himself Monday night. Well, check back with me tomorrow.
Rent your place on Airbnb? The landlord wants a cut
Revenue-sharing model would allow apartment dwellers to market rooms through lodging website
I spoke at the University of Washington School of Law’s solo and small firm practice class recently regarding solo practice, business plans, marketing, ethics, and other topics. This engagement is always a joy in which to participate and highly rewarding for all involved.
I recently served as a judge for the University of Washington Law School’s mediation moot court competition. This competition offers a great opportunity for law students to work together on a collaborative basis during a facilitative mediation, as opposed to using the more common adversarial model for negotiations taught in law school and employed in litigation.
I attended the U.W. Law School mentorship reception last evening. I got to meet my new mentee. The speaker at this event was Judge Lori K. Smith. I have now participated in the mentorship program at the University of Washington School of Law for nine years.
I met with one of my mentees from the University of Washington School of Law yesterday. It is always interesting to hear what is happening in the legal world from a law student’s perspective.